Selling a foreclosure for cash

Selling a foreclosure for cash

But I am cheerful that the situation wasn’t an ongoing process and followed me around my whole life

I will confess it, I was dumb when I obtained my house. In fairness the bank totally scammed me. They told me that I could afford a big house at the 400 price point. I was genuinely excited to have access to a pool, big yard, and a ton of living rooms. Well the mortgage ended up being way too much cash each month. I took out a loan in order to pay the mortgage. Then I couldn’t pay the loan. The cycle just kept going and going. I ended up with a foreclosed house in my hands. I felt super embarrassed and I just wanted to be out of this bad situation. I looked up if I could sell a house while going bankrupt. Can I sell my foreclosed house for cash? I did find a Jax real estate buyer that was my saving grace. The girl came in and had no issue with the foreclosure sign. She paid off everything for me and I even ended up with some pocket cash. Yes, I did go from sleeping in a mansion to a small condo, however it is nice to be out of the black now. I currently can afford where I live and pay my mortgage each month. That cash for a house deal genuinely saved my butt. Having a foreclosure under my belt has seriously hurt my credit score. But I am cheerful that the situation wasn’t an ongoing process and followed me around my whole life. I am going to be so much better about how I spend my cash and figure out if I can afford things on my own. The bank was horrible.


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